Pursuing a career as a professional pilot is not only exciting but also immensely fulfilling. To become a pilot, aspiring individuals are required to complete specific CPL subjects. Knowing the content covered in each of these CPL ground subjects is crucial information for success. Our advanced commercial pilot training program, along with our experienced instructors, can assist you in achieving your goal.

The Commercial Pilot's License (CPL) program encompasses both practical flight training and essential aviation theory. Obtaining a CPL license involves accumulating a minimum of 200 flight hours, including solo flights, and culminates in a skills evaluation conducted by an examiner. The CPL exam, administered by DGCA, assesses your overall competency in aircraft handling and navigation skills. To ensure a successful outcome in obtaining a Commercial Pilot License, we outline the optimal approach to CPL exam preparation, including enrollment in CPL ground subjects DGCA classes.

Subjects for DGCA CPL Ground Classes


The next topic that we must understand in order to acquire a commercial pilot's license is technical general. This is the second large field of aviation, as the name indicates. In this course, you will learn about the technical features of airplanes, such as their structure and construction, and, most importantly, how they have redundancy. You then do research on flight control surfaces. Give it a hydraulic system, and you can change the aircraft's direction or altitude by employing control surfaces, which also require a lot of hydraulic pressure to deflect against the powerful wind that passes over them.

You must also learn about other systems, such as the retractable and extendable landing gear, as well as the aircraft's air conditioning and temperature regulation. You learn about fuel systems, emergency fires, and firefighting tools including fire extinguishers. In addition to studying the fundamental aerodynamics and flight principles, which include, for instance, how the wing surface produces lift and engine's thrust propels us into the air, all of these components are a part of the structure of an airplane.


Air navigation is one of the two truly large disciplines where you'll be studying in great depth how to go from point A to point B. When flying an airplane, for example, you learn how to read and utilize maps and charts, as well as magnetic instructions, compass, and other instruments on the plane are also required to fly and monitor other aspects that you would learn about in instrumentation. You would investigate their design, underpinning theories, data evaluation, and navigation while utilizing them in flight.

Study of the radio aids equipment situated on the ground, such as a VOR, DME, or ILS, as well as the behavior of radio waves on the ground and in the air, is all required for navigation. In addition to these, there are several additional unique elements of air navigation. You should now have a good idea of what to expect when studying for the CPL ground topics, dgca classes, and air navigation.


Air rules have been added as the fourth topic for DGCA pilot ground classes. We have set rules up in the air that must be obeyed and adhered to, just as we must follow certain traffic laws on the road. For instance, let's suppose that in India, we drive in the left lane, whereas most other countries drive in the right lane. Some countries may have their own traffic laws.

However, because there are so many international flights, if the same event were to occur in the air, it would cause major chaos. A pilot's schedule will be quite frantic as he attempts to become familiar with all of the many regulations of the various nations he will be traveling to. All of the member states and contracting states of ICAO must follow the regulations that were developed by the organization known as ICAO in conjunction with its member nations. The ground classes for DGCA exams also cover aviation terminology, airport illumination, aircraft lighting, and the differences between visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight regulations (IFR).


Aviation meteorology is the third topic covered in DGCA CPL ground classes. We are continuously exposed to mother nature and the atmosphere where we are in command of a flying airplane. As a result, in order to distinguish and avoid harmful clouds, we must understand the environment and the many types of clouds.

In meteorology, we look at how the seasons and weather vary throughout the year. We also look at thermodynamic characteristics like pressure and temperature fluctuations with altitude or during the day. You investigate wind patterns, fog, and visibility. Aside from this, we investigate flying hazards. These are the natural occurrences that present a variety of challenges and hazards to flying, including thunderstorms, lightning, icing, and many others.

RTR-A Exam

The Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC), an entity under the Department of Telecommunications, administers the RTR or Radio Telephony Restricted exam. This test consists of two parts and is more practical in nature, testing your ability to communicate through radio and in radio telephony language. The first part of the ground classes for DGCA exams, is the transmission portion, during which you sit with your headphones on and your examiner standing behind you. You are given a question paper, and you must use the appropriate language to respond to the questions in each case.